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The rural southern cluster

Illustration 5: Southern Cluster

The south of Cambridge, between the M11 and the A1307, is home to a range of major business parks with world-leading facilities, and has some excellent and improving public transport links. We want to support this business cluster through ensuring that more business space is provided where needed, and through a limited amount of new housing in and around villages that are well-connected to jobs by public transport, cycling and walking facilities. We believe that a case can be made for exceptional circumstances to release some limited areas of

A statutory designation for land around certain cities and large built-up areas, which aims to keep this land permanently open or largely undeveloped, the Green Belt has five purposes: checking the unrestricted sprawl of large built-up areas; preventing neighbouring towns from merging into each other; assisting in safeguarding the countryside from encroachment; preserving the setting and special character of historic towns and assisting in urban regeneration by encouraging the recycling of derelict and other urban land. Specific Green Belt purposes have been set out for Cambridge.

land here, as new development in this location will generate less carbon emissions from car use.

How have the plan’s themes influenced this?

The rural southern cluster provides an opportunity to locate homes near jobs, and support the development of the important employment sites in this area. There are also existing and planned public transport opportunities to access Cambridge, helping to minimise traffic and related carbon emissions. This option most closely connects to Strategic

Green Infrastructure is a multi-functional network of public green spaces and routes, landscapes, biodiversity and heritage. It includes a wide range of elements such as country parks, wildlife habitats, rights of way, commons and greens, nature reserves, waterways and bodies of water, and historic landscapes and monuments.

Initiative 3: Gog Magog Hills and Chalkland Fringe.
Figure 33: Map showing proposed development sites in the rural southern cluster
Figure 33: Map showing proposed development sites in the rural southern cluster

Topic paper

Further information on the policy areas, including their national, regional and local context, and further information on the evidence that has informed the proposed policy direction, can be found in the topic paper which accompanies this theme:

  • : Topic paper 1: Strategy

Tell us what you think

Our consultation for this phase is now closed.

What policies are we proposing?