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Policy I/AD: Aviation development

What will this policy do?

This policy will control development proposals related to aviation, and set out in what circumstances, and how, developments should take account of aviation safety. 

Proposed policy direction

At Cambridge Airport, whilst it remains operational, aviation development will only be supported where it would not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and on residential amenity. For other airfields, it is proposed to carry forward the aviation policy included in the South Cambridgeshire which seeks to ensure aviation development does not negatively impact the environment, landscape and adverse lighting, noise, public rights of way, nature conservation interests or human health and safety, and impact of potential deliver of renewable energy.

Any proposed development within an identified Airport Air Safeguarding Zones will be subject to consultation with the operator of the airport and the Ministry of Defence. Restrictions in height, or changes to the detailed design of development may be necessary to mitigate the risk of aircraft accident and maintain operational integrity.

Why is this policy needed?

has a long association with flying and, in addition to Cambridge Airport there are a number of established aerodromes and smaller airfields in the district, including IWM (Imperial War Museum) Duxford with its large collection of flying historic aircraft and internationally renowned air shows. Policies are need to ensure aviation development does not negatively impact environment and human health, and that impacts of proposals are fully considered.

What consultation have we done on this issue?

The First Conversation consultation did not specifically consult on this issue.

What alternatives did we consider?

No Policy – Not considered a reasonable alternative as there is a need to provide policy guidance to ensure impacts of proposals, and air safety, are fully considered.

Supporting evidence studies and topic papers

  • : Topic paper 8:

Existing policies in adopted 2018 Local Plans

South Cambridgeshire 2018 

  • Policy TI/5: Aviation-Related Proposals  
  • Policy TI/6: Cambridge Airport Public Safety Zone

Cambridge 2018 

  • Policy 83: Aviation development
  • Policy 37: Cambridge Airport Public Safety Zone and Air Safeguarding Zones

Tell us what you think

Our consultation for this phase is now closed.