Sites located on the edge of Cambridge will extend the built-up area beyond its previous footprint.
We want to complete the planned new neighbourhoods on the edge of Cambridge from previous plans as well as bringing forward new opportunities for sustainable developments, which successfully link the city to the countryside, and where active and public transport is the natural first choice. These should be lively, mixed-use areas to live and work, with local centres of community activity, and their design should enhance the setting of Cambridge in the landscape. We think that development around the edge of Cambridge should come with improved green and natural spaces which are accessible for everyone to enjoy, as part of an expanded network of green infrastructure across the area.
How have the plan’s themes influenced this?
Locating development on the edge of Cambridge is a sustainable development option, because of its good accessibility by walking, cycling and public transport to existing facilities and services. Our edge of Cambridge sites are mostly large scale, and will therefore support provision of new shops, services and facilities. This brings particular benefits for climate change and reducing carbon, sharing the benefits of growth with nearby areas, creating healthy new communities, and supporting the economy.
Topic paper
Further information on the policy areas, including their national, regional and local context, and further information on the evidence that has informed the proposed policy direction, can be found in the topic paper which accompanies this theme:
- : Topic paper 1: Strategy
Tell us what you think
Our consultation for this phase is now closed.