In the First Conversation in 2020, there was concern expressed about potential levels of development, but also concerns that the area was not planning for enough homes, particularly to reflect the growing economy. These issues are addressed in the strategy section of this consultation. Focusing on the types of homes that should be provided, there was support for affordable housing, and a wide range of other types of need such as homes for older people, self-build, and provision for gypsies and travellers.
Aim for our homes policies
Plan for enough housing to meet our needs, including significant quantities of housing that is affordable to rent and buy, and different kinds of homes to suit our diverse communities.
How has this influenced the shape of the plan?
In the Strategy section of this consultation we have explored the housing needs of the area, and how they should be planned for. This includes identifying a range of sites to deliver new homes to meet our needs.
In the Homes theme we set out policies that would be applied when considering planning applications for new housing developments. They propose that schemes include high levels of affordable housing and the mix of housing should respond to local needs. They propose that new homes include enough space to deliver healthy living environments, including outdoor space. We also include policies to meet the needs of specific groups, including the accommodation needs of Gypsies and Travellers.
How does this intersect with the other themes?
Delivering new net zero carbon homes, across a variety of tenures, with sufficient indoor and outdoor space, designed to be adaptable throughout the lifetime of their occupants, and located close to jobs will provide many varied benefits for people and the planet. This theme therefore connects with most of the other themes. For example: net zero carbon homes (Climate Change) will help control energy costs making living costs more affordable, the creation of healthy new high quality developments with green spaces and other appropriate infrastructure (Biodiversity and Green Spaces, Wellbeing and Social Inclusion, Great Places, and Infrastructure) will improve the health and wellbeing of residents, and providing new homes will help businesses to meet their staffing needs (Jobs).
Topic Paper
Further information on the policy areas, including their national, regional and local context, and further information on the evidence that has informed the proposed policy direction, can be found in the topic paper which accompanies this theme:
- : Topic paper 7: Homes
Tell us what you think
Our consultation for this phase is now closed.
What policies are we proposing?
The following policy areas have been identified under this theme: