In response to the First Conversation consultation on how the plan could achieve ‘good growth’ you told us that we should be locating development in sustainable locations. We should be delivering a range of housing, including affordable, with access to safe and affordable sustainable transport. We should support communities to thrive and increase their resilience, providing community and shared spaces, and protecting valuable open spaces. We should ensure people have access to education and health services. We should make places inclusive, proving employment and training opportunities, and provide space for cultural activities and for social enterprise. We should also help people live healthy lives, such as providing opportunities to grow local food.
Aim for our wellbeing and social inclusion policies
Help people in to lead healthier and happier lives, ensuring that everyone benefits from the development of new homes and jobs.
How has this influenced the shape of the plan?
Wellbeing and social inclusion covers a wide range of issues, which can be encompassed by the concept of ‘good growth’. This has influenced a range of policy areas in the plan, which seek to meet the needs of all sectors of our communities: providing good quality, affordable housing in accessible locations; providing good access to services and facilities; creating places that enable healthy and active lifestyles and social interaction; supporting access to education, employment and training opportunities; promoting sustainable and active travel; providing community and shared spaces; and protecting and providing public access to open spaces and the natural environment.
How does this intersect with the other themes?
Green Infrastructure – sports and open spaces will support and encourage people to follow a healthy and active lifestyle as well as encourage greater social interaction within communities.
Great Places – seeks to create developments that are designed to be inclusive and feel safe.
Jobs – Includes proposals to deliver employment opportunities through development.
Homes – Delivery of a range of types of homes to meet needs, including affordable housing.
Infrastructure – Includes policy proposals related to sustainable travel, ensuring places are well connected and that active travel is supported.
Topic paper
Further information on the policy areas, including their national, regional and local context, and further information on the evidence that has informed the proposed policy direction, can be found in the topic paper which accompanies this theme:
- : Topic paper 4: Wellbeing and Social Inclusion
What policies are we proposing?
The following policy areas have been identified under this theme:
Tell us what you think
Our consultation for this phase is now closed.