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Policy S/OA: Opportunity Areas in Cambridge

Figure 17: Map of proposed opportunity areas in the Cambridge urban area
Figure 17:Map of proposed opportunity areas in the Cambridge urban area

What will this policy do?

Identify specific locations as that would benefit from a holistic approach to any future development that comes forward, to provide policy guidance for development that also improves public transport access and infrastructure delivery, and seeks improvements to the public realm.

Proposed policy direction

provide opportunities to enable development that can reinforce and create character and identity in key corridors and centres of the city, often through associated public realm improvements. embrace mixed uses and multiple functions, which provides opportunities and challenges, and requires a policy framework to promote and guide overall change during the life of the plan.

Given the opportunity nature of these sites they do not include any particular levels of development and are not counted towards meeting our needs.



S/OA/NR        Newmarket Road Retail Park

S/OA/BC        Beehive Centre

Two new are proposed that are areas of low density, large-scale retail uses with extensive surface car parking. This does not make very good use of an expansive area of land in the heart of Cambridge. With changes in retailing and the increase in online shopping, when taken together with the themes of addressing climate change and creating Great Places, these sites have the potential to provide a significant opportunity for reimagining this area close to the heart of Cambridge. There are land contamination issues at the Newmarket Road Retail Park that will need to be explored carefully  as part of any site intensification proposals. These opportunities can be explored further as the plan progresses, including having regard to emerging evidence about future retail needs to inform the next draft plan stage.

Figure 19: Map showing proposed new opportunity area at Newmarket Road
Figure 18: Map showing proposed new opportunity area at Newmarket Road


Figure 20: Map showing proposed new opportunity area at the Beehive Centre
Figure 19: Map showing proposed new opportunity area at the Beehive Centre



S/OA/AS Abbey Stadium

The Abbey Stadium is home to Cambridge United Football Club. The club is keen to improve its facilities to raise its profile as a commercial sporting enterprise. It could achieve this aim by either staying on site and securing enabling development on site alongside an enhanced stadium facility or by relocating elsewhere and redeveloping the existing site for new homes. The draft plan will provide guidance for this site for both possibilities.

Figure 21: Map showing new proposed opportunity area at the Abbey Stadium
Figure 20: Map showing new proposed opportunity area at the Abbey Stadium

S/OA/CH Shire Hall/Castle Park

With the relocation of Cambridgeshire County Council to new offices at Alconbury, the Shire Hall building and the adjacent castle mound park provide an opportunity for suitable new uses for these important heritage assets. The draft plan will consider planning guidance for this central site.

Figure 22: Map showing proposed new opportunity area at Shire Hall/Castle Park
Figure 21: Map showing proposed new opportunity area at Shire Hall/Castle Park


Continuing existing

It is proposed to continue to identify the following areas:

  • S/OA/Policy 22: Mitcham’s Corner (pdf)
  • S/OA/Policy 23: Eastern Gate (pdf)
  • S/OA/Policy 24: Mill Road (pdf)
  • S/OA/Policy 25: Cambridge Railway Station, Hills Road Corridor to the City Centre (pdf)
  • S/OA/Policy 26: Old Press/Mill Lane (pdf)

Why is this policy needed?

In these policy guidance is provided so that the opportunities and challenges are identified and responded to, to make the best use of these parts of Cambridge, which respond to the character of the area and provide uses and spaces that meet the needs of people.

It is considered that the new should continue to provide planning guidance in the areas proposed to be carried forward from the 2018 Cambridge , and identify any new areas which would benefit from this approach. The Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment identified some areas where change could happen in the future as a result of changing retail needs or redevelopment opportunities becoming available. This has informed the identification of new areas.

In proposing to carry forward the existing opportunity areas identified some comments have been made on the extent of these areas, and the site boundaries will be considered as we prepare the draft plan.

What consultation have we done on this issue?

There was no specific consultation on this issue in the First Conversation consultation.

What alternatives did we consider?

No Policy –  Not considered a reasonable alternative as it is considered that this would not provide sufficient guidance for planning in important areas of the city.

Supporting evidence studies and topic papers

  • : Topic paper 1: Strategy
  • Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment (2021)Appendix Urban Opportunity Area

Existing policies in adopted 2018 Local Plans

Cambridge 2018

  • Policy 14: Areas of Major Change and – general principles
  • Policy 22: Mitcham’s Corner Opportunity Area
  • Policy 23: Eastern Gate Opportunity Area
  • Policy 24: Mill Road Opportunity Area
  • Policy 25: Cambridge Railway Station, Hills Road Corridor to the City Centre Opportunity Area
  • Policy 26: Old Press/Mill Lane Opportunity Area

Tell us what you think

Our consultation for this phase is now closed.