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Policy H/RC: Residential caravan sites

What will this policy do?

This policy will set out the criteria to be used when considering proposals for new residential caravan sites.

Proposed policy direction

The will consider the need for residential caravan sites and/or mobile home parks, and set out that any proposals for these uses will be considered against the policies applicable to residential developments. However, make clear that the proposed approaches for affordable housing (see H/AH) and residential space standards and accessible homes (see H/SS) do not apply to residential caravan sites / mobile home parks.

Why is this policy needed?

National planning policy requires local authorities to assess the size, type and tenure of housing needed for different groups in the community and reflect the results of this assessment in their planning policies. National legislation requires local authorities to carry out an assessment of the accommodation needs of all people residing in or resorting to their area in caravans. This is concerned with all those who have a need to live in a caravan, and is not restricted to the needs of Gypsies and Travellers.

An accommodation needs assessment is being carried out which will assess the needs of caravan dwellers. The COVID-19 pandemic has delayed the completion of the face-to-face survey elements of this assessment, such that it has not been possible to complete this assessment in time to inform this consultation. It will be available at the next stage of plan making, and will be used to inform the draft , including whether any allocations are needed.

Proposals for new residential caravan sites (such as mobile home parks) are proposed to be considered in the same way as other residential development, for example providing a suitable form of windfall site within settlement boundaries.

What consultation have we done on this issue?

Responses received to the First Conversation highlighted the need to create balanced and integrated communities by providing a mix of housing types, sizes, tenures, ownership and management that reflect the findings of the Councils evidence of housing needs of specific groups. No responses specifically mentioned caravan sites or mobile home parks.

What alternatives did we consider?

To include a specific criteria based policy for new residential caravan sites / mobile home parks with additional flexibility - Not considered a reasonable alternative as the considerations for residential caravan sites / mobile home parks are not sufficiently different to other residential developments.

Supporting evidence studies and topic papers

  • : Topic paper 7: Homes

Existing policies in adopted 2018 Local Plans


Tell us what you think

Our consultation for this phase is now closed.