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Policy J/EP: Supporting a range of facilities in employment parks

What will this policy do?

This policy will guide consideration of proposals for shared facilities in employment parks and campuses.

Proposed policy direction

Support appropriately scaled leisure, eating and social hub facilities where they support the functioning of an employment area, and they are primarily aimed at meeting the needs of workers on site and help to manage the transport impacts of the development. 

Why is this policy needed?

The success of many of the campuses and business parks in is not just down to the employment buildings. They are supported by a mix of other services and facilities which make it possible for workers in business to meet and share ideas, and have access to supporting facilities that are conducive to a high quality working environment. They also have the benefit of helping to manage the peak arrival and departure of workers travelling to and from the site, helping to improve air quality and ease congestion and pressure on infrastructure.

At the same time these facilities should not be so extensive that they threaten the viability of nearby district or local centre.

With the implementation of the Planning Use Class E, which provides greater flexibility between uses, such a policy is less necessary, but we think that making our employment parks high quality environments for workers and visitors is such an important issue it remains an important element of the plan.

What consultation have we done on this issue?

In our First Conversation consultation we asked you a range of questions focused on the local economy.

We had some responses that suggested that the Plan should support the provision of shared spaces within employment areas. Suggestions included co-working spaces, cafes, cycle facilities and changing rooms and electric bike parking.

What alternatives did we consider?

No policy – This is not the preferred approach, due to the need to support these ancillary facilities to make our business parks and campuses more effective.

Supporting evidence studies and topic papers

  • : Topic paper 6: Jobs
  • Greater Cambridge Employment Land and Economic Development Evidence Study (November 2020)

Existing policies in adopted 2018 Local Plans

South Cambridgeshire 2018

  • Policy E/10: Shared Social Spaces in Employment Areas

Cambridge 2018

  • Policy 40 and expansion of business space J8: Retail and Centres

Tell us what you think

Our consultation for this phase is now closed.