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Greater Cambridge in 2041

Illustration 1 - GCLP Landscape with tree

Our vision

We want to be a place where a big decrease in our climate impacts comes with a big increase in the quality of everyday life for all our communities. New development must minimise carbon emissions and reliance on the private car; create thriving neighbourhoods with the variety of jobs and homes we need; increase nature, wildlife and green spaces; and safeguard our unique heritage and landscapes.

Our Plan takes inspiration from what is unique about our area, and embraces the bold new approaches that will help us achieve this vision.

Our aims

Our aims for this plan are: 

  • Climate change: Help transition to net zero carbon by 2050, by ensuring that development is sited in places that help to limit carbon emissions, is designed to the highest achievable standards for energy and water use, and is resilient to current and future climate risks.  

  • Biodiversity and green spaces: Increase and improve our network of habitats for wildlife, and green spaces for people, ensuring that development leaves the natural environment better than it was before.  

  • Wellbeing and social inclusion: Help people in to lead healthier and happier lives, ensuring that everyone benefits from the development of new homes and jobs. 

  • Great places: Sustain the unique character of Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire, and complement it with beautiful and distinctive development, creating a place where people want to live, work and play. 

  • Jobs: Encourage a flourishing and mixed economy in which includes a wide range of jobs, while maintaining our area's global reputation for innovation.  

  • Homes: Plan for enough housing to meet our needs, including significant quantities of housing that is affordable to rent and buy, and different kinds of homes to suit our diverse communities. 

  • Infrastructure:  Plan for transport, water, energy and digital networks; and health, education and cultural facilities; in the right places and built at the right times to serve our growing communities.  

These aims expand on the themes for this plan, and have informed decisions regarding the spatial strategy, and future policies. We have aligned these aims with the principles in the National Planning Policy Framework, and the Sustainability Appraisal objectives. 

Tell us what you think

Our consultation for this phase is now closed.