In the First Conversation in 2020, you told us about the importance of the Cambridge economy and its high technology clusters. Many major site proposals were suggested, reflecting Cambridge’s strengths, but there was also concern about the scale of economic growth in the area. You highlighted that it was important that the area should have a range of jobs, and that these should be available close to where people live or can travel to sites without relying on cars. You also wanted us to support our high streets, and to help them diversify.
Aim for our jobs policies
Encourage a flourishing and mixed economy in which includes a wide range of jobs, while maintaining our area's global reputation for innovation.
How has this influenced the shape of the plan?
In the Strategy section of this consultation we have explored the needs of the economy, and how they should be planned for. This includes identifying a range of sites to respond to the findings of the Employment Land and Economic Evidence Study (November 2020). This includes supporting the needs of the high technology clusters that Cambridge is famous for, but also other sectors that are needed for the local area and to provide a variety of employment opportunities.
In the Jobs theme we set out policies that would be applied when considering planning applications for development. The proposals seek to support employment development in a range of locations of a scale and type appropriate to the location. The proposals also seek to reflect how work is changing, by supporting remote working, and improving facilities on employment parks. They also explore how we could spread the benefits of development by including affordable workspace. Our town and village centres remain at the heart of our communities, but the way we are shopping is changing. We explore policies that can help them adapt.
How does this intersect with the other themes?
Great Places – supports delivery of high quality places, helping to create positive working environments
Wellbeing and social inclusion - creating healthy communities so people can thrive
Homes – deliver homes for people who work in the area
– providing to services facilities and transport the economy needs to work efficiently.
Topic paper
Further information on the policy areas, including their national, regional and local context, and further information on the evidence that has informed the proposed policy direction, can be found in the topic paper which accompanies this theme:
- : Topic paper 6: Jobs
Tell us what you think
Our consultation for this phase is now closed.
What policies are we proposing?
The following policy areas have been identified under this theme: