What will this policy do?
Guide development for one new and five existing policy areas within the rest of the rural area outside the rural southern cluster area.
Proposed policy direction
New policy area
S/RRP/L: East of bypass, Longstanton
We propose to provide a new policy framework for future development proposals in this area of Longstanton that is the last remaining area from the original Home Farm development that secured the delivery of the Longstanton Bypass.
This new policy area will replace the longstanding allocations that were carried forward into the 2018 South Cambridgeshire that had preceded the building of the Longstanton Bypass. These were for an employment development that extended beyond the eventual alignment of the road and an area for the extension of the recreation ground. The revised policy area is to only include land lying within the line of the bypass. It is intended that part of this land will continue to provide for new open space, whilst the employment use is proposed to be replaced with provision of new housing. This will be explored in the preparation of the draft plan but could include for example affordable housing, older persons housing and sheltered housing, and look at the potential to support the completion of community facilities in the village.
We will continue to develop proposals for this area for the draft stage.

Continuing existing policy areas
Existing policy areas proposed to be carried forward:
S/RRP/E/7: Imperial War Museum, Duxford
The policy will continue to guide future development proposals at the Imperial War Museum, Duxford.
We propose to continue the policy approach in the South Cambridgeshire 2018, which identifies the Imperial War Museum site at Duxford Airfield as a special case as a museum which is a major tourist / visitor attraction, educational and commercial facility. Proposals will be considered with regard to the particular needs and opportunities of the site and any proposals involving the use of the estate and its facilities for museum uses or non-museum uses must be complementary to the character, vitality and sustainability of the site as a branch of the Imperial War Museum.

S/RRP/H/4: Papworth Everard West Central
The policy will continue to guide redevelopment and re-use of buildings and land within the centre of Papworth Everard.
We propose to maintain the policy approach in the South Cambridgeshire 2018 which seeks to deliver the continued reinvigoration of the village centre and the provision of a mix of uses.

S/RRP/E/6: Papworth Hospital
The policy will continue to guide redevelopment and re-use of the former Papworth Hospital site.
If still needed when the new plan reaches later stages, we propose to maintain the policy approach in the South Cambridgeshire 2018 that applies a sequential approach to finding replacement uses for the site beginning with healthcare, and then more general employment uses, with residential limited to conversions of character buildings where it would be the most appropriate use.

S/RRP/H/5: Fen Drayton Former Land Settlement Association Estate
This policy will continue to guide redevelopment and re-use of land and buildings within the former LSA estate at Fen Drayton.
We propose to maintain the policy approach in the South Cambridgeshire 2018. This allowed for the replacement of existing building floorspace with residential development of very high environmental standards.

S/RRP/E/8: Mixed Use in Histon & Impington Station Area
The policy will continue to guide redevelopment in the area around the former station.
We propose to maintain the policy approach in the South Cambridgeshire 2018 which seeks to deliver the redevelopment of land around the former station and the provision of a mix of uses.

Why is this policy needed?
There are a range of existing policy areas within the rest of the rural area outside of the rural southern cluster, which provide context for the development of specific locations responding to specific local circumstances.
East of bypass, Longstanton
This area is the last remaining area from the original Home Farm development that secured the delivery of the Longstanton Bypass. The proposed policy direction is intended to support the aims of Longstanton Parish Council for new open space, community facilities, and additional affordable housing.
Imperial War Museum, Duxford
No policy, and rely on normal policies elsewhere in the plan – This alternative is not the preferred approach as the museum is of national importance, and needs an appropriate policy framework to enable its continued evolution.
Papworth Everard West Central
The area contains a number of buildings that have reached the end of their structural life, or that are not currently in use. Rather than piecemeal development, there is an opportunity for considerable environmental improvement, and benefit to the functioning of the village, if a coordinated approach is taken to its development. It is important to ensure that a mix of uses is achieved on this significant site, and that is does not become purely residential led.
Papworth Hospital
Papworth Hospital has relocated to a new building on the Cambridge Biomedical Campus at Addenbrooke's, and therefore the former hospital site in Papworth Everard is now vacant.
The hospital provided over 1,000 jobs in the village and therefore the loss of employment from the hospital site will have had a significant impact on the economy of the village, and the ability of people to find work locally. A healthcare use would achieve the continuance of the mutually beneficial relationship between hospital and village. Other employment uses on the hospital site would at least maintain a balance between homes and jobs in the village, but would not provide the current jobs profile, make best use of the existing resources, or reflect the history and character of the village.
Fen Drayton Former Land Settlement Association Estate
The Land Settlement Association (LSA) was created in the 1930s to carry out an experimental scheme for the provision of smallholdings for unemployed persons, with financial assistance from the Government. The legacy of the experiment is a network of smallholdings with dwellings along the road frontages, a collection of glasshouses and outbuildings in varying states of repair, and large areas of unused land.
As set out in the climate change theme, building standards across the whole area are now catching up, so new proposals will not be so ground-breaking. However, it is considered that a policy is still needed to provide a context for this area.
Mixed Use in Histon & Impington Station Area
The Council received a proposal from Histon and Impington Parish Council during the preparation of the adopted that sought to proactively design a special area in Histon and Impington around the former station, which is now a stop on the Guided Busway. This would encourage sensitive redevelopment of this area and stimulate commercial activity and encourage local employment. This approach was supported in the Histon & Impington .
Some proposals have come forward for sites within the area, but other sites are still going through the planning application process or have not yet come forward.
What consultation have we done on this issue?
There was no specific consultation on these issues in the First Conversation consultation.
Regarding the Imperial War Museum, IWM Duxford indicated their support for continuing the policy approach, with a request that in future it could potentially be supported by a Supplementary Planning Document providing a masterplan for the site.
What alternatives did we consider?
East of bypass, Longstanton: No policy, and rely on normal policies elsewhere in the plan – This alternative is not considered a reasonable alternative as it would not support holistic development of this area.
Imperial War Museum, Duxford: No policy, and rely on normal policies elsewhere in the plan – This alternative is not considered a reasonable alternative as the museum is of national importance, and needs an appropriate policy framework to enable its continued evolution.
Papworth Everard West Central: Not include a policy - This alternative is not the prefered approach as there is a risk that without a policy all proposals brought forward for the reuse or redevelopment of vacant buildings or land within the centre of the village will be for residential uses. It is important that the centre of the village includes a mix of uses including community and employment uses.
Papworth Hospital
1. Having no policy – This alternative is not the preferred approach, as due to the scale of the now redundant site, a policy context is required.
2. Allocate hospital area for residential development – This alternative is not considered a reasonable alternative due to the desire to maintain employment levels in the village with the loss of the hospital.
3. Allocate hospital area for employment without the preference for healthcare uses – This alternative is not considered a reasonable alternative due to the opportunities provided by the current site, and local workforce.
Fen Drayton Former Land Settlement Association Estate: No Policy – This alternative is not the preferred approach as this would mean the area was addressed by normal countryside policies.
Mixed Use in Histon & Impington Station Area: Not include a policy - This alternative is not the preferred approach as development of this area is still underway, and the approach is supported in the neighbourhood plan.
Supporting evidence studies and topic papers
- : Topic paper 1: Strategy
Existing policies in adopted 2018 Local Plans
South Cambridgeshire 2018
- Policy E/7: Imperial War Museum at Duxford
- Policy H/4: Papworth Everard West Central
- Policy E/6: Papworth Hospital
- Policy H/5: Fen Drayton Former Land Settlement Association Estate
- Policy E/8: Mixed-use development in Histon & Impington Station Area
Tell us what you think
Our consultation for this phase is now closed.